
Children must be five years old by September 1 to enroll in this class.  

Class is limited to 15 students with a teacher and teaching assistant.

The Pre-Kindergarten class is designed for five year old students who need another year to learn and grow with God before attending kindergarten.  The Christian based curriculum emphasizes reading readiness, cognitive skills, simple problem solving, small and large motor development and socialization and verbal skills. Manipulatives, movement, music, art, individualized instruction, small class size, theme related field trips, Spanish instruction and classroom guests enhance the learning process and help reinforce concepts needed for kindergarten.


Class Options for Pre-K:

  • M/Tu/W/Th morning  9:00-12:00 p.m.

We also have Enrichment Days for our Pre-K class including Lunch Bunch and several other themed options offered throughout the year.

For additional opportunities for Pre-K, click here!